WLSD Parental Involvement
Belief Statement
We believe that parent/guardian involvement is an important part of the educational program. Current research indicates that a home-school partnership, as well as a greater involvement on the part of parents/guardians in the education of their children, generally results in higher achievement scores, improved student behavior, and reduced absenteeism. All parents/guardians of students enrolled in Warren Local School District are encouraged to take an active role in the education of their children.
• We encourage strong home-school partnerships.
• We provide for consistent and effective communication between the parents/guardians and school officials.
• We offer parents/guardians ways to assist and encourage children to do their best.
• We offer ways parents/guardians can support classroom learning opportunities.
• We provide opportunities for parents/guardians to be involved in the parental involvement program.
• We offer additional community-based support programs for parents/guardians.